As the subject of abuse is a such a difficult and sensitive area, Shema Koli offers a range of educational seminars for the community to make leaders, communities, teachers and parents aware of the risks and to give guidance on how to keep children safe – at home, at school and in the wider community.
Shema Koli takes great steps to present this material with sensitivity and care.
We empower parents with the tools to have important conversations with their children and to ensure that they are kept safe at school and at home.
These initiatives have the haskomoh (approval) of the Vaad HaRabbonim of Shema Koli headed by Rabbi Shimon Winegarten, and from the Gateshead Rov, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman.

Shema Koli professionals deliver a range of educational seminars including:
Conferences for Rabbonim and Menahelim (Headteachers) making them aware of risks to young people and the key importance of educating parents in keeping their children safe. We also train Rabbonim on safety for themselves and advice on how to keep their communities and shuls safe.
Awareness Evenings for parents at primary and secondary schools to present the importance of parents having discussions with their children about personal safety. These events also raise awareness of the danger signs of grooming and abuse, and of the parents’ role in identifying the warning signs and handling a possible disclosure from their child. Shema Koli invites Menahelim, Headteachers of girls and boys schools and Rabbonim of other kehillos to contact us about introducing this parent education programme into your mosdos and communities. Further information from
Feedback from a Menahel:
“The school felt it was important to hold an evening for parents devoted to child protection. This is a subject that needs to be discussed and I pay tribute to our Rabbonim and Shema Koli for their guidance and leadership.”
In the words of a parent:
“I wanted to thank you for the most important evening programme you provided for the parents in the school. Although the topic and material was both disturbing and frightening in some ways, it was something we all had to hear in order to empower us and consequently the child. I felt that Shema Koli delivered the message in a clear, sensitive manner yet at the same time without diluting its impact either. We returned home as parents with much food for thought and took the opportunity to discuss it straight away with our teenage children, which I hope will help to keep them safer.”